Friday, November 25, 2011

Hey everyone! Im visiting my dad right now but he's currently doing his daily rehab routine! He has friends visiting him today that he grew up with! He was able to take a shower yesterday in his wheel chair and also eat some ice chips. Hes so alert and communicating well with his nodding and can point to things he needs. He spent the day with mom yesterday while our family took different trips to come wish him a happy thanksgiving! My mom said he had great improvement this morning with strength in his right hand and arm. He seems to have a pretty positive attitude still. My dad is so amazing he's a different person already! His humor really shines through during all of this as well. He enjoyed visiting with my aunt and uncle yesterday. He shaves well and also brushes his teeth like a champ. His speech therapist said he replied to her and actually said "thank you" but we have not yet heard anything ourselves. It won't be long though he's so strong! I hope everyone had a really great holiday!


  1. We are both praying for all of you and it sounds like John is improving so much. God will take care of him. I graduated with his Mom and we've been good friends ever since. Brook you are doing a fantastic job. Love and prayers Joan and Horse Johnson

  2. Hey Brooke,
    Uncle Kurt is coming tomorrow to hang out with your dad. He's looking forward to spending time with John and watching a ballgame on tv. I can't wait until I can visit with him too. Thanks again for the updates. Although I do talk to your mom about everyday, it's great hearing from you too. Take care honey.
    Aunt Beth :)

  3. Hey Brooke,
    I graduated with your dad, and he and your family have been in my daily prayers. It sounds like he is doing well in his rehab, and is continuing to improve daily, which is wonderful news. Thanks for keeping us updated!

  4. Wow, Captain (Bill James) and I just spent about 4 hours with John (bird) today and all I can say is, "It was awesome!" It was just the 3 of us so in perfect CLEMBO fashion, Captain & I got to work seeing who could get John to bust out laughing first. He might not be able to speak yet, but he can definitely communicate with his eyes and his cheesy little grin! I think we may have over done it a few times. So, Deanna, whatever the nurses tell you tomorrow, be assured That I (El Clembo) put Captain in his place and explained to him that certain behavior and profanity is not acceptable in this type of setting. For those of you who will be visiting john, make sure he is finished chewing up his ice and dissolving it before you deliver any punch line from a joke or tell him something funny....otherwise you will find that Bird is capable of oraly projecting ice cubes at the speed of sound across the room. It's O.K. Deanna, the nurse looked at my eye and said it was just a superficial flesh wound. It should heal in 2 or 3 days!
    Deanna, all joking aside, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing us to spend some time with our bud....there may not have been a lot said between the 3 of us but MUCH WAS COMMUNICATED!!
    Look forward already to our next visit....Lots of luv to you and yours.....El Clembo

  5. Tammy Wethington WillNovember 26, 2011 at 7:28 AM

    Thanks Brooke for all you are doing keeping us posted! So glad to hear all the little advances your dad is making daily. It's AMAZING and we are all praying for him and cheering him on!! Keep it up John!! XOXO

  6. John, Deanna and the whole Wethington family,

    The Ryan's have been praying and thinking of you since we heard the news a few weeks back. Evry night before the kids go to bed we ask them who they want to pray for and you and the family have not come off the list and will not until you are back to your old self!! You need to get well soon, everyone misses having your smiling face around the neighborhood.

    Brooke... the blog has been an excellent way of staying informed without interfering. Thanks.

    let us know if there is anything we can do we would love to help out anyway possible.

    Keep Fighting!

    Holly, Sean, Liam, Bradan, Devin and Aislinn
