Monday, December 19, 2011

Just a quick update, dad is using a cane today! Up and walking around some! Doing even better than yesterday! Go Dad!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hey everyone! It's been awhile since I've blogged! I've been incredibly busy, and sometimes you just need a break from everything! Id love to say my dad is doing awesome! He's now using the restroom without to much assistance and he's also eating well! He has said a few different words and can talk to me on the phone in a unique way! He's getting stronger! It's amazing how far he's come in a little over a month. I'm thankful for all of our physical therapist and doctors. Dad thinks hes very independent and wants to do everything by himself he's so motivated. They work on stairs everyday to prepare him to come home. They also have dogs that come visit, he's a little iffy about them sometimes but they make him smile as well! Continue to pray and remember we appreciate everything! We've got a great team!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Good morning! I apologize for not blogging lately! I've been extra busy and was also sick! We're back on track! Dad is now using the bathroom on his own, well with the help of a nurse! This is a huge step! He's done very well! He's also eating a lot more and verbally making more noises! His speech therapy gets better everyday. Make sure to wish mom a belated birthday, her birthday was dec 6th. The doctor is saying maybe 5 or 6 weeks until dad will be able to come home. We just want to make sure he's as independent as possible! He's so amazing and so strong, I truly look up to him! He's a great man! Thank you everyone who is praying. Prayer is working. Also thank you everyone whom is sending us food it's a huge help! We love y'all :).

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Good morning! Another great day, dad passed his swallowing test Thursday so this morning he's eating eggs and yogurt! The peg placement will stay in just to make sure he gets the proper nutrition. I just want everyone to know how much my mom is doing, if it wasn't for her none of us would be in such great spirits. She has literally held my dads hand every step of the way! It takes a lot to be in a hospital everyday and watch him go through this so I'm really thankful my mom is the person she is. My dad is mumbling more and more everyday, his speech will be here soon I can feel it! He walks a little more and a little easier everyday as well. We have a Charlie brown Christmas tree in his room (that is dads favorite Christmas movie)! My mom always makes him smile!