Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dad may be in rehab sooner than even Monday! I'll post the address and room number for everyone as soon as I have it! Mom texted me while Maggie and I were watching a movie & told me dad moved his right foot! Amazing once again :)


  1. Brook,
    Thank you so much for sharing your dad's progress, the strength you are all showing is inspiring! I work with your dad and was just forwarded your blog site tonight. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers and keep the good news coming!
    Beth Meyer

  2. It's the baby steps that lead to the great big steps. So glad to hear that John is heading to rehab! May the healing begin!

    Hugs from the Beach Family

  3. Brooke,
    Thank you for your blog. It is a great way to communicate and I admire your strength and your words in posting.
    I have worked with your dad and known him since 1999. He always talks about his family. I know you all are a great source of love and strength for him. Please let him know that he is in my family's thoughts and prayers.
    I loved your Bible verse and thought I would share one of my favorites..."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13"
    Carol Neiheisel

  4. Tammy Wethington WillNovember 18, 2011 at 7:04 AM

    That's great news!! Keep posting.. you are doing a great job for everyone who loves and admires your dad! from John's favorite cousin..haha

  5. Sounds great !!! Talk about the Boot Camp of your life...but I know John and Deanna are say'n...'Bring it'!!! I pray everyday brings even just the littlest progression!!! And I have faith that it will!!!! All my positive thoughts and prayers are coming your way. I hope I can check in from the boat,,but if not,, I will touch base with you guys when we get back. Lots of love! Shannon
