Thursday, November 17, 2011

Good afternoon! Today is an awesome day! Dad was moved to a new room down the hall last night , it a sunny day , he's really going to enjoy looking out the window! Right now dad is in surgery to get his new feeding tube! This will really help speed up the process to rehab. I've told dad everyone is cheering him on and he smiles , but sometimes he shakes his head no as if "tell everyone not to worry its not a big deal" lol. My mom was talking to the people from Frazier and they were telling us that there is a big chance he could come home FEBUARY 1st!!! With outpatient rehab or someone coming to our home! That's the best news I've heard today! Hopefully that will be the case! Thank you for everyone's prayers! This is a hard time but it has brought my family so close and were all just thankful he's with us today! My mom is getting more sleep now. God is amazing! When he gets back from surgery I'll tell him "Hey bird clembo is really tracking you and has a lot of plans for you during rehab" . He will love that! I'll let everyone know how he is after surgery!


  1. Paul Steffan (purdue rep in Buffalo) and his family are praying for you and your family, John. Thanks to your daughter for the blog. We care about how you are doing. God Bless.

  2. Your whole family is amazing, I know John is so proud of you! The updates are great, thanks for sharing your triumphs over this. I feel so blessed to call you friends and am humbled by your strength. God bless you and keep up the positive thoughts and actions!

  3. Hi Brooke,
    This is a terrific thing that you are doing. I work with your dad and most of us call him "JW." I have forwarded the link to the folks at Purdue, all of whom are rooting for and cheering for him and your family during his recovery. They will be delighted to follow your blog. I missed meeting you when I was at your house a few weeks ago. You were just home from school and our paths did not cross. They will, soon enough. Thank you for doing this!
    -Mo Mulcahy

  4. Thanks Brooke for keeping us informed!! Hang in there Bird, you'll be running like a "dried up creek" before you know it!! Love you man!!
    Lots of prayers and special favors are being sent upstairs on your behalf.
    Keep the Faith!!
    Your brother B'vans

  5. Brooke: You good news continues to let us all know the power of faith and prayer. Tell Birdman I will be by his side the whole way just like he was by mine every step of the way in the Nashville Half Marathon. Your dad is a beast of a runner, but being the man he is, he knew what my doctor instructions were and he held me to them. Crossing the finish line with him and the other buds was a memory I will cherish forever. We will all cross this finish line together as well.

  6. Brook, I just wanted to let you know I am so impressed with your blog. I am always so touched by your words. You always seems to write what really matters in life. Your dad is so lucky to have you and your loving supportive family. He is constantly in our thoughts and prayers and we are cheering him on. We look forward to the day when we see him out and about. If you need any help with Ms. Maggie or anything else please let us know.

  7. Brook, Thank you for keeping us updated . Your dad is loved by many people. I'm sending my prayers from Columbus, Ohio .. John, you will be back on your feet before you know it....Take care Carla Jackson
