Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Good morning! I'm sitting with my dad & he's holding my hand tight! Getting a lot of rest! He swallowed for my mom earlier this morning. I know he's going to pass his test with flying colors! We're listening to some oldies music and just hanging out! He gets more responsive everyday... He is nodding yes & no when we ask questions. Dad likes looking out the window. I told him a story about Maggie and our dog when I got here he smiled big. I'll update y'all with the swallow test soon! We love everyone & all the comments :)


  1. EL Clembo said...
    Bird, I want u to know I have been thinking of u every minute of every day. Also, I have called in a few favors with the Big Guy up above. He owes me from a couple of things a long time ago. Listen, you have always been my wingman (aka bird) so I'm telling you, I GOT YOUR BACK on this one! I haven't prayed this much since JimmyJoe Ackerman passed out right before his first confession. You know I love ya man and I will see you very very soon! I'm bringing Dipper cheeseburgers and chocolate milk shakes.......Clembo

  2. I am floored!!!! I am sending you guys prayers and positive thoughts!! I have no doubt that John can make a speedy recovery. Brooke, please let your mom know that I will be there before Christmas to check on her and John and your family. (I would come down this weekend, but we have plane tickets to fly out all of the Thanksgiving break...). Much love to you all...and let me know which hospital he is at.

  3. The Blisses' are thinking about you John and your family. Samantha asks about you every day. You are such a strong and courageous individual that I know this is just a stumbling block for you. If you guys need anything please don't hesitate.

  4. I am so glad you are doing this Brooke!I thought about John all day and sat down to check your blog as soon as I walked in the door :) I feel 'connected' now......without bugging your mom constantly. Stay strong...and ask for help when you need it......please!
    love you.....ellen

  5. Hey Brookie. Tell your Dad that more and more people everyday are praying for him and you guys. I love reading your updates so include anything and everything you can. You have a lot of people hanging on your every word. Reese and Blakeley keep asking about him. I love you guys.
    Thanks Brookie.

  6. Brooke, Please let your Dad know I'm praying for him. Can he have visitors? Tim O'Connor

  7. Birdman:
    Your Captain Your Captain and family are sending many prayers to the big guy. Great to hear how wonderful you are progressing. Can't wait to get the green light to come and visit. The hospital isn't going to know what hit them. You will work them harder than they have ever been worked. We have more money on the table to take from Clark and El Clembo. Love you and will see you soon. Hugs and kisses from Debbie, Darcy and the boys want you in the toy room.
